Thursday, June 2, 2011

Early Day

I started to have a sore throat last night, but went into work because I was the point person for our Student Led Conferences.  It was a nice day, as long as I could last, but I finally punked out at 12 and came home.

It is a sunny beautiful day, but I am just not feeling well enough to do anything right now. Well, I did water the greenhouse plants and picked a few tomatoes - there will be cucumbers this evening, but I thought I would pick them right before I was ready to make the tomato cucumber mozzarella salad.

Next week is the last week of school.  I have started to think about which projects to put on the "Summer To Do" list:

  • Work on that Hawaiian Quilt pillow I have been working on sporadically for two years. 
  • Plant the seed potatoes that are in my fridge. 
  • Resurface the horse stalls (depends on income for cinder/sand). 
  • Deep clean the house (school break perennial task). 
  • Get an outside garden started (watermelon, beans, start the collards and other cabbage-like, re-plant my yellow taro huli, turnips, beets, carrots, onion, maybe corn - but it's pretty hard here, not enough sunny days in a row)
  • Start the asparagus bed. 
  • Start and artichoke bed. 
  • Cook and can things in anticipation of the craziness of getting back to school in August. 
  • Ride!  
I guess those are the big things right now.  I will probably end up driving kids around - I really need to help my son get his license!  It's just that he isn't that observant or quick enough with the brakes on his own - most of the time he drives well, but then he'll do something scary that has dad or I yelling, "BRAKE NOW!!"  He has a job starting next week up at a lab near the University, which is very cool, but will take some scheduling and effort until (and maybe even after) he gets his license.  I am fine with him driving to school for cross country conditioning - but the town run, considering his seeming obliviousness to cars pulling out from side streets and inexperience with lane changes, is a bit scary.  The more he drives it, though, the better he'll get - and at least the job means he will have gas money.  

The "kid's car" is an old Volvo.  It is rough to start and pretty much a beater - reminds me of my sister's and my first car in some ways, except this one is in worse shape!  It's a good car to start with, though - except for the rough starting, it is pretty solid and safe and has virtually no blind spot.  It carries a LOT of animal feed and bedding when it needs to - but the heater is perpetually on, which will be a bummer in Hilo in the summer.  

The more I drive, the less time I have to do the projects, so I hope we can arrange it well.  

I am off to take a nap to hopefully shake this sore throat/ear ache.  I need to do my grades, clean my classroom and organize my books and materials a bit!  


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are sick :( I'm still fighting off this stinkin' cold. grr....
Anyways, I hope to get a lot of canning and stock my pantry during the summer so this winter it will be full of ready to go meals also. Feel better!

NancyDe said...

Thanks, Renee - here's to us both feeling better!

Tomorrow is graduation, which means decorating and the whole ceremony etc, etc. - so I really need to get better. Just going to stay at work as long as I can, but then going home.