Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear Students:

What I want for you.....

I want you to develop questioning minds – to be curious and to think deeply.

I want you to find and evaluate sources and to cite them correctly so that everyone's work is given its just due.  

I want you to choose words with care to create the exact effect that you want in your writing (and speaking). I want you to have a wide and varied vocabulary so that you can have lots of ideas from which to choose. 

I want you to be able to manipulate images, audio clips to produce effects in audience. I want you to be able to use what you know about images, audio and how they interact with ideas so you can observe when you are being manipulated. 

I want you to be able to analyze tone and mood in the work of others  and I want you to be able to create tone and mood in your own work. 

I want you to be critical consumers of information. 

I want you to create – through words, images, audio – particular effects for particular audiences.  I want you to be fluent in persuading, opining, informing, delighting audiences.  

I want you to be effective communicators – both when you are producing communication in writing, speaking, and multimedia and when you are the audience.   

I want you to be able to analyze, evaluate, edit, and revise your own work. 

I want you to be able to analyze, evaluate, and comment on the work of others. 

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