Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sharing the Farm

I was so blessed this weekend that all four of my parents (parents and step-parents) were out for the Confirmation and I got to share our farm with them.

It was particularly fun to watch faces when the sheep come in for the evening; sheep sure are loud, aren't they?  Everyone seemed to get a kick out of the nightly chicken wrangling, too.  Most of them converge when they see the feed can, but there are always a couple dumb clucks who are behind the game.  My dad worked on a chicken farm when he was a teenager and even got a degree in chicken farming before walking across the street to work on the loading docks at Chrysler, so it was also very cool to hear him reminisce about chicken feeding on a farm with several thousand birds back in the day (or "a hundred years ago" as my step-mother put it).

The reading for Mass was the Good Shepherd reading, and (what a spectacular blessing), my favorite priest has been given the post of Vicar General and was delegated to do our Confirmation.  He did a great homily, but I told him that he needed a little more information on sheep to do a really convincing, knowledgeable homily - so he should definitely come up for the evening feeding time next time he is over from Oahu.  It will add depth to his understanding of what exactly the Good Shepherd.

It was so good to see Father.  He has been a part of our family's life for a long time.  He was at my parent's house the night my husband asked me out for our first date (Father was actually teasing me that my husband-to-be liked me).  He officiated at our wedding and did our pre-wedding counseling. It was wonderful to have him do my son's Confirmation, too.

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